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European Championship Soccer Thrilling Fans of the Global Game

Whatever the time zone, wherever they are located around the world, soccer fans are glued to their TV screens right now. UEFA Euro 2020 is in full swing, albeit a year later than originally planned, with the international tournament captivating audiences.

From the Americas to Asia and beyond, all eyes are on the outcome of this thrilling competition. All the top nations in Europe are ambitiously aiming to lift the iconic Henri Delaunay Trophy, the prize awarded to the winning team. This is undeniably accompanied by a huge sense of pride, having managed to beat the best at such a prestigious tournament.

Even in countries around the world where soccer isn’t the number one sport, habitually popular sports are taking a back seat for now. This includes the United States, where American football is the top dog, along with India where cricket is followed with an unrivaled zeal. In both of these great nations, soccer is the primary focus while Euro 2020 is in play.

The Great Peacemaker

Catcountry96.com reported on Texan actor Matthew McConaughey discussing his own involvement with the ‘beautiful game’ of soccer, as the sport is fondly known amongst avid followers. As one of the founders and co-owners of Austin FC, the newest franchise club to join the MLS, his own passion for the game has evolved and matured with time.

Famously passionate about college football and the NFL, McConaughey is a fan of the Texas Longhorns and the Washington Football Team. Although he played soccer as a youngster, it seems to have been more of a passing interest. “It wasn’t my game as it wasn’t the quintessential American game back then,” he admitted.

“Then you find the woman of your life and she’s from Brazil. Woo-hoo! You better get to know this other football brand, Mr. McConaughey!” He enthused, pointing out that soccer was then injected into his blood, as a growing passion for the game became stronger thanks to his children, alongside plenty of global travel due to his working commitments.

\”As we travel the world, we have found and love the game of soccer, because it’s the one game they can play wherever: in the city, in the country, from New York to Timbuktu.” This was how McConaughey underlined the deeply rooted popularity of soccer internationally, along with the sport being a great way of getting to know new people and make friends.

“You can go up to anyone. You do not have to introduce yourself or even say your name. Just put a foot out and the ball comes to you. It’s the great peacemaker. I call the soccer ball the greatest invitation in the world.”

Given that McConaughey has described the sport in such a beautiful way, it’s no wonder that soccer has become so appealing, even in places around the world where it still isn’t considered to be the number one sport.

Surge of Indian Support

No sport enjoys more popularity throughout India than cricket. While that is unlikely to change anytime soon, soccer has enjoyed a massive surge in popularity over the last few decades. This is largely because of increased levels of access to view and enjoyment of the sport, accompanied by growing participation amongst the populace.

Look at any international sports forum or social network where soccer is discussed. Although the name of the game here is ‘football’ rather than ‘soccer’, some of the most passionate and vocal supporters are from India, even though the majority of teams they follow are based in other continents.

Nevertheless, fans throughout India and Asia now have greater access to live streaming football matches, including the current Euro 2020 tournament, which features many of their favorite players from European club football. This inevitably piques interest as they soak up the action.

Akin to elsewhere around the world, wagering on the outcome of games has also become popular for Indian fans. Testament to the beautiful game\’s popularity in India is the fact that there are now guides at sites asiabet.org which educate and assist Indian football fans. Highlighting where to find the best odds and promotions, plus information explaining how different betting markets work, guides like this can be invaluable for relatively new fans.

Beyond betting on the result of matches and the outright tournament winner, Indian football enthusiasts can also bet on first goalscorer odds, try to predict final scores between teams, and much more. Backed with easier access to statistics and data, fans in this part of Asia are actually amongst the most analytical, which has even landed jobs at European clubs for some.

Euro 2020 will have inevitably brought another surge of interest, as people throughout India view broadcasts regardless of the time difference between continents. Chances are, most will be supporting teams that feature players from their favorite club sides, although some will cheer for teams based on the style and substance of their performances.

Thrilling Grand Finale in Europe

Wherever you are and whichever method of access to games you have, whether via live TV broadcast or internet streams, the Euro 2020 tournament has already grabbed plenty of attention. Let’s hope the rest of the competition continues to thrill and excite fans around the world, as the tension rises and teams aim for the honor of being champions of Europe.

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